The incumbent, Michael Evans, will be challenged by Tony Rodriguez and Kevin Hayes.
Bonham Mayor H. Compton will run unopposed in the only other race on the ballot in the general election.
At press time, Allen Sanderson is the only candidate who has filed to fill the unexpired term to represent Ward 4 in the special election that will be held simultaneously on May 4.
March 4 will be the deadline for candidates to file for the special election to represent Ward 4, a seat which has been vacant since September 11, 2023 when Bill Chapman moved and resigned. The special election for Ward 4 will be for one year to finish Chapman's unexpired term.
City council candidates must live in the ward they are running to represent, however all eligible city residents can vote in both races.
Early voting for the May 4 general election -- and special election -- will be April 22 until April 30, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The days with extended voting hours will be April 25 and April 30, from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Bonham City Hall, located at 514 Chestnut Street, will be the polling location for early voting and election day voting on May 4, 2024.