Julliard students perform in Denison
By Allen Rich
Jun 10, 2011
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Denison -- It was an evening set aside to enjoy Beethoven, Strauss, Waxman and Brahms in downtown Denison, with the work of those timeless composers performed by students of The Julliard School, one of the most prestigious performing arts conservatories in the world.

A trio comprised of pianist Alice (Gi-Young) Hwang, French horn player Kathryn Peterson and violinist Clare Semes mesmerized a large crowd in Mary Karam Gallery with flawless renditions of classical works.

(L-R) Clare Semes, Alice (Gi-Young) Hwang and Kathryn Peterson

Actually, Hwang, Peterson and Semes were officially listed as The Trio of T.R.I.O., which stands for Teaching and Responding through Internet Outreach. Founded by Hwang and Peterson, this fascinating non-profit program is designed to offer quality musical mentoring to a segment of music students who, because of geographical location or lack of access to private instruction, are considered underserved, if not completely overlooked. Mentors for these students are selected from current conservatory students in New York City.

If you would like to learn more about the T.R.I.O. Project, please visit www.trioproject.org. The website will enable you to refer potential students or make a donation to help an underserved student take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity.

Thursday night's performance in Denison was presented by Denison Performing Arts and Mary Karam Gallery, with support from American Bank and Downtown Denison, Inc.

Alice (Gi-Young) Hwang

Kathryn Peterson

Clare Semes

Alice (Gi-Young) Hwang

Kathryn Peterson

Clare Semes