Dr. Pankaj Jain’s South Asian Religion and Philosophy class at the University of North Texas will ring bells in tune with the United Nations on Sept. 22 (Wednesday) to mark crucial international talks on biodiversity.
September 22 is the day that the UN General Assembly will discuss for the first time the crisis affecting the world’s biodiversity, underlining the importance of how plants, animals and life are all linked and the loss of one species through human actions can affect many others. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is promoting the ringing of bells all over the world as an urgent ‘memo’ to rouse the world to take action to stop the loss of species.
“Changes in temperatures, global warming and changes in patterns of rainfall are having a powerful impact on biodiversity,” says Kusum Vyas, Founder of the Living Planet Foundation. “The ringing of bells will not only remind the world of the need to preserve our environment but it will also inspire the protection of the species that still survive.”
Dr. Pankaj Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology and Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies, says “We are very happy to participate in this global event to raise awareness about saving the biodiversity.”
Bells for Biodiversity will ring on Wednesday, September 22, at noon in Wooten Hall room 210. Wooten Hall is located one block west of Welch and Highland streets on the UNT campus in Denton, Texas.
The event is facilitated by the Living Planet Foundation of Houston, who is encouraging bell ringing by local faith groups, schools and organizations.
For additional details, please e-mail, livingplanetfoundation@gmail.com