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Fannin County Commissioners Court approves mutual aid agreement between the City of Bonham and Fannin County regarding ambulance service
By Allen Rich
Sep 26, 2024
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Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting held Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

The meeting opened with an invocation by Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham, and pledges were led by Pct. 3 Commissioner Jerry Magness.


In public forum, the court was advised of a ceremony that will be held in Bailey Inglish Cemetery at 3:00 p.m. on October 2, 2024, to place a marker on the grave of John R. Agnew. Mr. Agnew was a constable who was killed in the line of duty October 2, 1886 while responding to a domestic disturbance.


Routine items

Commissioners court approved payment of bills totaling $313,946.84


Commissioners court approved minutes from a regular meeting on June 6, 2024.


Commissioners court approved the Treasurer’s Financial Report for August 2024, as well as the Treasurer’s Investment Report for August 2024.

"Our sales tax is still staying strong," Fannin County Treasurer David Woodson reported, but he advised commissioners to expect lower interest rates.

Discussion, consideration and action items

Commissioners court voted to extend the current Fannin County Burn Ban.


Commissioners court approved moving $15,000.00 from Contingency to Autopsies, 100-425-4660.


Commissioners court approved moving $6,000.00 from Contingency to office relocation leases (100-518-4700).

That will leave $67,537.31 remaining in Contingency until the new fiscal year begins October 1, 2024.


Commissioners court approved the 2025 Workers’ Compensation Renewal Questionnaire.


Commissioners court approved the Preliminary Plat for Bois d’Arc Pointe on CR 2900 in Dodd City; Property ID#s 110544, 126177 and 126178.


Commissioners court approved a bond reduction for the electric at Five Points and The Harbor at Five Points; $742,450.00 reduction – from $3,962,372.50 to $3,219,922.50.


Commissioners court approved a mutual aid agreement between the City of Bonham and Fannin County regarding ambulance service.

Beginning October 1, 2024, the contract goes into effect with Allegiance Mobile Health to provide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in rural Fannin County.

Allegiance will provide three full-time ambulances, each staffed with six EMS employees.


Open discussion items

Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.

New members of the Subdivision Committee will be selected next month.


In regard to courthouse repairs and litigation, work continues on issues in the basement. Another problem is that some of the light fixtures used in the courthouse are no longer in stock.


In regard to the justice center, Judge Cunningham remarked, "We've got a lot going on down there."

County resident Kathy Whiteside asked if it is still the plan to sell 119 acres near the Multipurpose Complex in order to complete the justice center without borrowing more money.

Ms. Whiteside presented a petition of approximately 250 voters urging the 119 acres not be sold at this time, and suggested the asking price of $13,500 should be twice that amount. She asked for the sale to be put to a vote.

Cunningham said that a referendum on the land sale would significantly delay the justice center renovation and increase the final cost of the project.

"We are going to attempt to get it [justice center] done for $15 million," Cunningham stated.

Bonham resident Tom Turner commended commissioners court for moving forward and agreed with Cunningham that the county doesn't need more debt.

"You are moving in the right direction and don't slow down," Mr. Turner said.


In regard to water issues affecting Fannin County, the Fannin County Water Supply Agency met at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at the Derrell Hall Education Center.

Bonham resident Rusty Deets said he appreciated the effort to reconstitute the Fannin County Water Supply Agency but expressed concern that water from Bois d'Arc Lake wouldn't be available during extreme drought conditions.


Executive session(s) and action if needed

Commissioners court  recessed into executive session at 10:04 a.m. to consult with their attorney, and to discuss personnel issues.


 Commissioners court reconvened at 10:30 a.m. to announce no action was taken in executive session.