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Tow trucks, emergency vehicles stopped on the side of the road? You must slow down or move over
Jan 11, 2025
Austin, Texas -- Motorists should remember that state law requires them to slow down or move over when tow trucks and other emergency vehicles – police, fire, EMS and highway response trucks – are stopped on the side of the road with their lights activated.
If a road has more than one lane traveling in the same direction, drivers must move out of the lane closest to the emergency vehicles stopped on the road OR slow down at least 20 miles per hour below the speed limit.
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation regulates the towing industry as well as the Driver Education and Safety program.
Safety tips for driving:
- Slow down and pay attention to what you’re doing. If you get tired, pull over in a safe spot and walk around to re-energize.
- Don’t drink and drive, even a little bit.
- Designate a (sober) driver.
- Stay off the mobile phone – this includes texting. Designate a “co-pilot” to oversee the phone while you’re driving so you can concentrate on the task at hand.
- Stay weather-aware. If water is running across the roadway, turn around -- don’t drown. Only two feet of rushing water can sweep away a vehicle.
- Leave plenty of time to get to your destination. Roadways are likely to be crowded. Drive friendly – the Texas way!