Leon Hurse Dam taking shape at Lake Ralph Hall
By Upper Trinity Regional Water District
Jan 26, 2023
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Fannin County, Texas -- The Leon Hurse Dam at Lake Ralph Hall in southeast Fannin County is taking shape thanks to hard work during 2022. 

This past year has been one of tremendous progress for Lake Ralph Hall, with most of the road and bridge work already completed. In 2023, Upper Trinity will kick off several additional parts of the project, including a pipeline to carry water from the lake to where it can be treated and distributed to homes and businesses across North Texas.

Contractors are pouring the last piece of decking for Merrill Creek Bridge shortly in the New Year.

Learn more in this end-of-year update...

Environmental improvements to break ground this year

Last spring Upper Trinity’s Board of Directors approved a contract with Texas Mitigation Solutions (TMS) to restore areas near the future Lake Ralph Hall—construction required to offset the environmental impacts of the new reservoir. Since that time, TMS has been working to finish designs so they can begin on stream restoration this spring.
 The goal of this mitigation project is to restore a key portion of the former North Sulphur River to its original, winding path surrounded by healthy, forested floodplains. Crews will set up work trailers and identify the best areas to stage equipment and supplies.

The remnant of the former North Sulphur River will be restored as part of mitigation plans for Lake Ralph Hall.

Then, site preparation will begin—removing invasive/nuisance plants and clearing and collecting trees to improve current stream designs.

Stream construction should be underway by this summer.

View the lake website...