Public invited to Fannin County Amateur Radio Club field day June 23
By Rich Summers, Fannin County Amateur Radio Club
Jun 23, 2018
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Fannin County, Texas -- The Fannin County Amateur Radio Club will conduct a field day at Lake Bonham Park marina beginning at noon on Saturday, June 23. Come tour and join in the event including maritime mobile. You may operate the equipment under the supervision of a “ham operator” and take a ride in the mobile radio boat. You may also see a drone in operation.

Amateur radio provides assistance as storm watchers and emergency communications during disasters. Sometimes amateur radio is the only communication available during a power outage and when telephone service is unavailable. Hams also communicate with members of our armed forces. There are “hams” all over the world - some of them are missionaries, pilots, astronauts, crew members on ships and aircraft, members of scientific expeditions, and many more.

"Ham radio" is a popular term for amateur radio, derived from "ham" as an informal name for an amateur radio operator. The use first appeared in the United States during the opening decade of the 20th century. Many hams just enjoy “rag chewing” with other hams.

Today, the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) has within its ranks the vast majority of active radio amateurs in the nation and has a proud history of achievement as the standard-bearer in amateur affairs. ARRL’s underpinnings as Amateur Radio’s witness, partner and forum are defined by five pillars: Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology, and Membership. 

The Fannin County Amateur Radio Club meets on the third Saturday of each month at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonham. Meetings begin at 9 AM and refreshments are available. The club sponsors training and testing to obtain a ham license and will help you get your “ham” station set up. Members range from experienced electronics engineers to many unrelated vocations. The club also works with the Fannin County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for various events such as the County Fair, air shows, parades, etc. CERT works under the direction of the police and fire departments when called upon.