Remembering Rayburn
By Allen Rich
Jan 7, 2013
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Bonham -- The Sam Rayburn Library and Museum and the Sam Rayburn House Museum both held events this past week to commemorate the 131st birthday of Sam Rayburn. And visitors are impressed that both facilities have undergone significant upgrades in the past year.

The Sam Rayburn Library and Museum welcomed guests with refreshments and casual conversation Friday, January 4.

A place steeped in tradition, the Sam Rayburn Library and Museum may have given birth to a new tradition as the Fannin County Amateur Radio Club broadcast from the museum throughout the day. It was the first time local amateur radio operators had officially participated in Mr. Rayburn's birthday celebration and the group notified radio operators from Costa Rica to Alaska that the broadcast was originating in Rayburn's hometown.

Danny Lloyd of Fannin County Amateur Radio Club reports that while many of the older radio operators throughout the country instantly recalled Rayburn's tenure as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, a new generation of amateur radio operators was busy googling Rayburn to learn of Fannin County's favorite son's remarkable record of public service.

Lloyd was busy broadcasting from inside Sam Rayburn Library and Museum with a Kenwood HF radio looped to an 80-meter dipole antenna.

Meanwhile, Eric Wise was manning his civilian command post from the museum parking lot. Fannin County Amateur Radio Club has approximately 50 members.

On Friday afternoon, refreshments were served inside Sam Rayburn Library and Museum, where visitors were captivated by new digital, interactive exhibits.

Detroit ISD recently gave students a day of hands-on history at Sam Rayburn Library and Museum to experience the new interactive exhibits.