Thinkable: Your resume
By John Hoelzel Sr.
Jun 9, 2012
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Great courses are available to help us polish up our resume and “put our best foot forward.”  Those who have been on the receiving end of resumes as we interviewed applicants know full well however that there can be a disappointing difference between a picture perfect resume and the actual job performance of the associated applicant.  That is one reason we do interviews and ask pertinent questions.  Others understand that there similarly can be a big difference between a picture perfect business proposal and the actual contract performance of the associated company who wins the contract. 

Today we want to contrast the big difference between what a company or a contractor might look for in an applicant, compared to values that are much less sought or appreciated, but are actually invaluable and eternal.  We will start this consideration with a scan of past, present, and future attributes. 

The past record is ALL a resume is about.  If we miss the present (today’s opportunities) we actually miss it all, and missed opportunities can NEVER be recovered.  The future is unknown to us, but ideally we can do a better job there by learning from the past while not being weighted down by it.

It seems to me that many businesses are looking for bold, brash, “leaders” with a CAN DO attitude, often a total commitment to their job, and an associated ego that thinks they are the best, even when it fails to see the talent of their subordinates, without being motivated to coach them to grow to their full potential.  Stated simply, self-interest appears to be a prime ingredient in filling corporate “leadership” positions. 

God’s Word records many in leadership roles, both successes and failures.  But in sharp contrast, God looks into our hearts (not on our resumes) for character like: integrity, honesty, doing the right thing even when it has deep personal costs attached, service, sacrifice, commitment and obedience to God, love back to God, humility, repentance for personal and corporate sin, faith in God and His promises, prayer, and a past record of fruitfulness (helping others).

The way we build the second kind of record is to first believe the record God gave us about His Son Jesus, and invite Him to become our Lord and Savior.  Then we cooperate with Father, Son, and Spirit in God’s central will for us to become more and more like Jesus.

Instead of an annual review, we will all stand before God to account for what we did with His Son and whether or not we called Him a liar and either ignored or rejected His Son.  Among those who bowed to Him while alive on earth, He will reward the best Servant-Leaders with crowns designated for those who endured temptation and testing, others who faithfully anticipated His promised return, and for those who passionately love Him.  Leading with eternity in view, compared to “leading” to impress men, makes all the difference, both now, and forever!