A&M-Commerce honors veterans during Veterans Vigil slated November 6-8
By Caleb Slinkard, A&M-Commerce News
Nov 1, 2008
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COMMERCE, Texas -- The Veterans Vigil has become an important
event on the Texas A&M University-Commerce campus with the 17th
annual observance set Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 6-8.

The 2008 activities will recognize and honor the United
States Coast Guard.

"The Vigil is a chance to pay homage and respect to my
brothers I fought beside in Iraq, those who weren't able to make it
back, and those who stand true today since I can no longer hold the
line," said student chair Jim Batchelor.

Activities are planned by a committee composed of
A&M-Commerce faculty, staff and students, local citizens, and area
veterans. "We have an amazing committee, which is driven only by
their zeal to serve," A&M-Commerce staff member and committee chair
Connie Mears said. "Some members on this committee have been active
participants for over 15 years. It is truly an amazing group."

The event will begin at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 6, at the
Founder's Lounge of the Sam Rayburn Memorial Student Center.

At 11:30 a.m., Major Mike Spaight will begin the ceremony by
presenting the colors. Texas A&M University-Commerce President Dan
Jones and Commerce Mayor Quay Throgmorton will both speak.

Navy Rear Admiral James Lair will be the keynote speaker in
the Founder's Lounge.

Following the ceremony, a procession will begin to the site
of the Vigil Flame, where the flame will be lit and guarded in honor
of Prisoners of War and Missing in Action.

On Friday, A&M-Commerce will hold a program for Commerce and
Cooper public school students that includes talks from local veterans
on their military experiences and proper flag etiquette. The students
will also visit the Vigil site.

The Vigil will culminate Saturday, Nov. 8.  A procession
will leave the East Lawn of the Student Center at 1:30 p.m. and
arrive at Memorial stadium for a pre-game ceremony.

During the ceremony, there will be a military fly-over, a
21-gun salute, and a playing of Taps, and then the Vigil Flame will
be extinguished.

After the ceremony, A&M-Commerce will kick off against
Southwestern Oklahoma at 2 p.m.

An important aspect of the Veterans Vigil is the posting of
the guard at the site of the Vigil Flame. These guards take turns
standing at the flame in one-hour shifts, from the ignition of the
flame on Thursday until it is extinguished Saturday.

Those interested in volunteering for one or more shifts can
call 903-886-5816 or email