Texas Sporting Clays Association offers youth shoots
By Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Aug 9, 2008
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AUSTIN, Texas — The crack of gunfire at the range and the competitive spirit among shooting enthusiasts might be a bit intimidating to young rookie shooters, but the Texas Sporting Clays Association wants to ensure it ushers in this new generation of competitors.

The association is offering its Bob Brister Youth Shoots, a series of six clay shoots that are aimed at introducing youngsters to the sport.

The shoots will be held at various target ranges throughout the state.

The shooters will compete in the "Hunter Class" in two categories — Sub-Juniors for participants ages 8-16 years and Juniors, for shooters ages 17-21 years. They will compete for gold, silver and bronze medals.

Winners of the two classes at each shoot will be eligible to attend the next Scholastic Clay Target Program State Shoot, an event supported by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

The events are open to young shooters who are not presently members of the Texas or National Sporting Clays Shooting Association. They will be scored separately from the youth shooters who are already registered with either association.

Each shooter will receive a free membership into the Texas Sporting Clays Association as well as an official membership card into the National Sporting Clays Association. Participants will also receive the quarterly "Sporting Clays Magazine."

TPWD also has partnered with National Shooting Sports Foundation to the foundation’s Scholastic Clay Target Program, a program that gives school-aged children opportunities to showcase their shooting skills and earn state and national recognition in addition to learning safe firearms handling.

The Texas Sporting Clays Association held its pilot shoot at the American Shooting Centers in Houston in July. The remaining five shoots will take place in Austin, Beaumont, Dallas, Kerrville and Midland.

Calendar of shoots

For more information on the Bob Brister Youth Shoots, contact Jeff Foster at jfoster1@tmisales.com or (512) 413-8707.