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TEA releases 2024 STAAR End-of-Course assessment results
By Texas Education Agency
Jun 14, 2024
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Austin, Texas -- The Texas Education Agency (TEA) today released the spring 2024 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) End-of-Course (EOC) assessment results. These results, a key measure of student performance and academic readiness, include Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology and U.S. History assessments.

As of today, parents and families can view their child’s individual STAAR EOC results by visiting their school district’s family portal or using the unique access code provided by their child’s school. Texas is among the first states to release statewide student achievement results, ensuring families can promptly access information about their child's academic progress. With full, transparent access to every STAAR question and answer, parents in Texas can see exactly how their child answered each question.

This year’s EOC results show that performance has largely held steady. The percentage of students meeting grade level remained consistent in Algebra I, Biology and English II. In English II, there was a 4% increase in the percentage of students meeting grade level, reaching 60%. In U.S. History, there was a 2% decrease in the percentage of students meeting grade level, from 71% to 69%.

One highlight from this year’s EOC results is the increase in the percentage of Emergent Bilingual (EB) students who met grade level across all EOC assessments. Emergent Bilingual students saw an increase in English I and II, rising four percentage points in grade-level proficiency. This improvement is particularly significant as it represents a substantial population of students, with 24% of Texas’ 5.5 million public school students classified as Emergent Bilingual. An EB student is defined as a student who is in the process of acquiring English and has another language as the primary language. Texas public schools continue to serve one of the largest populations of EB students in the country. 

“The 2024 STAAR End-of-Course results highlight both the progress Texas students and educators have made and the challenges that remain to help students improve outcomes, which can only come from a robust assessment and accountability system. While we celebrate the gains in English II, we must also acknowledge the areas where student performance has not recovered to pre-pandemic levels,” said Texas Education Commissioner, Mike Morath. “These results emphasize the critical importance of continued investment in research-based education strategies to ensure every student in Texas has the support and resources they need to succeed. Our commitment to improving educational outcomes remains steadfast, and we will keep working tirelessly to provide high-quality education for all Texas students.”  

For a more detailed statewide summary of the Spring 2024 EOC results, please visit 2024 STAAR EOC Analysis.   

Parents and families are encouraged to log in to their school district’s family portal or to view their child’s individual STAAR EOC results. STAAR assessments are a valuable tool in evaluating how students are performing in Texas classrooms. The detailed STAAR report card provides parents with understandable information, including each STAAR question and answer—along with their child’s answers, that helps them support their children in class and at home. STAAR results can help parents know how well their child learned this year’s academic material and whether their child is on track for success in future grades and after graduation.  

STAAR aggregate level data by state, region, district or campus is available to view and download on the Texas Assessment Research Portal.  

Results for STAAR grades 3–8 assessments will be made publicly available on Friday, June 14, 2024. On that date, parents and families can view their child’s individual 3-8 results using the unique access code provided by their child’s school or by logging into their school system’s family portal.